HELLOOOO...I'm home!!
From the rooftops of Sydney, Australia to the shores of Tampa, Florida....what more could a girl ask for!
I couldn't ask for more either.....I JUST LOVE IT! Meg is an amazing knitter.....Amazingly fast as well. The leaves are the perfect reminder that fall is on the way....Although it may be a while yet, I'll be ready to sport my new scarf!
(Remember? this is my SYNO scarf)

She also sent me this Australian knitting magazine...Thank you MEG! I want to try the Lunar Top. It's a cool crochet pattern....I haven't crocheted since my mom was....God, who knows when. I really like it...it says it's Italian inspired and can be worn over a t-shirt.....I just realized, that's it on the cover....really cute!
I hope to have pictures to post soon of the scarf I am knitting for Kiri. Along with the squares for the Linus Project.
Have a good weekend!