I know I'm a little late on this, but better late than never. Rather than making something homemade for family and neighbors, I made dog treats for all their pets....they deserve it more anyway, right! Our neighbors on boths side have dogs. All of our immediate neighbors across the street have dogs..and there are several more in the addition that I know. Not to mention, my brother has two, my aunt has three, my other aunt has one, my in-laws have one, a good friend has two, and my little Guero..... 
All in all, there were 84 dog treats for 19 dogs....Tex ate his share and his brothers too....these pets are soooooo good and loving all year. They absolutely deserve them and more...I have the best baby dog in the whole wide world! I tell him that all the time. ;-)
BTW, my husband tried the dog treats and said they would probably make good breakfast bars....here's the recipe if you want to try them.
Oatmeal Cookies for dogs (or humans if your Bob)
1 cup uncooked oatmeal
1/3 cup margarine
1 tsp canola oil
1 1/2 cups hot water
3/4 cup powdered milk
3/4 cup cornmeal
1 egg beaten
2 tsp grated apple
1 T brown sugar
3 cups whole wheat flour
Mix hot water, oatmeal, margarine, & oil. Let stand five minutes. Add milk, cornmeal, egg, apple, and brown sugar. Add flour 1/2 cup at a time, mixing well each time. Knead 3-4 minutes, adding more flour if necessary for stiff dough. Roll to 1/4 inch thick and cut with cookie cutter. Put on greased cookie sheet and bake at 325 for 50 minutes. Let dry until hard.
Bone appetite!