My first sweater......
I love it.....and her! It was easier than what I had anticipated. The pattern is from Suss Cousins' Hollywood Knits Style, Cozy Cardigan(that she gave me for christmas)....I used Cascade 220 (I gave my mom the ball band, so I don't remember the color) I think she really, really liked it. She wore it while I was there. A 100% wool sweater in the middle of July in Texas? Only a mother would do that. I want to make one for me too.
Not much knitting going on this week, as I've been really busy with school. I did start this scarf for my mom's silk yarn called Galaxy
My Tuesday night knitting group is making a Linus Project Blanket. We are to knit three 9" squares each. I hope to start those this week. Also, I hope to get the yarn for my SYNO scarf soon.
Wooo! Sexy sexy sweater ya got there, scarf buddy ;) It looks really cool!
And you should be getting the SYNO yarn Thurs. or Fri. (they said 2 days, but it never hurts to give the post office an extra day even if it is priority mail).
Just checking to see if you got my yarn. :) Let me know when ya can.
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